uni 1940s
Jane Gamble

Jane Gamble was the creator of the School for Handicapped Children in Spartanburg, South Carolina, and a Uni student from 1938 to 1942. During her subfreshman year in 1938, she was elected Treasurer, already showing her affinity for leadership. During her freshman year, she kept the position of treasurer, as well as joining a couple of clubs, Dramatics, and the Girls Athletic Association. Her sophomore year, she rose to the position of class president, continued her membership of the Girls Athletic Association, and joined the  County Music Festival. Junior year she relinquished her position of president and instead became vice president; she also joined the orchestra and junior class play. Finally, in her senior year, she joined Glee Club and participated in two Uni traditions of the time, the class will and class prophecy. 

After school, Jane Gamble would attend the University of Illinois and take undergraduate degrees in Zoology and Chemistry. She would then continue to study at Stanford University, Converse University, and the University of Washington. Gamble would get master's degrees in Physical Therapy, Teaching,  Social Work, and Biological Sciences. She would later found the School for Handicapped Children, and also help out at the Harborview Hospital in Seattle.

"Jane Gamble" by The Seatle Times

Senior Quote

"Her charms strike the sight, and her merit wins the soul"

Notable Accomplishments

  • Created School for Handicapped Children in Spartanburg, SC

  • 4 degrees from 3 different colleges

  • Helped at the Harborview Hospital in Seattle

Class Will

"Jane Jordan leaves the D.A.R. to join the G.A.R."

Class Prophecy

"The famous piano duet of Nancy "Harmony" Keyes and Jan "Hunt and Peck" Jordan have returned from England, where they gave a command performance at the Royal Palace."