Barbara Lazarus nicknamed Barby had an early interest in the STEM fields. At Uni she learned that "it was ok to be both a girl and smart." She was active in a wide variety of clubs while at Uni. She wrote for the gargoyle, was a member of the student handbook committee, and was a member of both Mixed Chorus and Girl's Chorus.
Barbara Lazarus carried her love for STEM into her professional life. In the early 1970's she worked in Rhode Island where she developed materials to help counselors who advised women looking to enter the workforce. She also was the associate provost for academic affairs at Carnegie Mellon University where she was well known for her inventive ways to encourage women to join science and engineering. Unfortunately, she was diagnosed with cancer in her early 30's. After overcoming cancer she selflessly used her experiences to help other cancer survivors. Barbara Lazurus encouraged many women to share her love for STEM and was a role model for many.