We are often asked why, as a public school, we rely on donations. The quick answer is that, unlike other public schools, Uni does not receive any money from local taxes. By comparison, local taxes make up about 65% of Champaign Unit 4’s budget.
Uni High does receive general state aid per student, accounting for 39% of school revenue, and the University of Illinois Provost Office contributes about 8% of the school budget, in addition to providing us with our building and other campus supports. We fill the resulting funding gap with private gifts and grants.
In the fall of the 2022-23 school year, we celebrated 100 years of Uni High with our Century Celebration. During that year, Uni High parents, alumni, and friends generously contributed nearly one million dollars to the Parent and Annual Funds. Those donations fill most of our funding gap.
Because of your generosity, we continue to advance our commitment to serving exceptional students from all backgrounds and neighborhoods while maintaining our hundred-year tradition of academic excellence and discovery.
Gifts of all levels, including legacy gifts, from sustaining donors reflects the trust our community has in Uni’s leadership and in the school.
Uni has developed a strong momentum and commitment as we enter the next 100 years of Uni through engagement with our alumni, parents and friends.