Barbra Ingram was admitted into Uni High as a subfreshmen in 1940. During her 5 years at Uni, she was an active member of many clubs. As a fan of the arts, she was active in many clubs such as Chorus, Art Club, and Social Dancing even becoming the 1945 Yearbook Art Director. Besides art, she was an active individual, joining the Girls Athletics Association and Intramural Sports where she was elected the leader of the blue team her senior year.
Shortly after graduating, she moved to New York where she studied the arts and painting. She soon discovered her joy for modeling and became a Conover Model. Through this career, she met many comedians who were famous at the time; such as Milton Berle, Morey Amsterdam, and Ken Murray. Murray offered her apart as a "Glamorlovelies" in his popular TV show "Ken Murray's Blackouts." She pursued her career in Hollywood where she supported many local institutions and theaters such as the Braille Institute.
Sources: Legacy.com