Ang Current Use Fund
The Ang Current Use Fund is being used for any appropriate faculty professional development, such as attending or presenting at conferences. The fund will have approximately $6500 total in it each year. Applications are evaluated by the Administrative Team.
Eleanor Stoddard Endowed Fund For Faculty Support
Ellie Stoddard Seibold (1950 Graduate of University Laboratory High School) established the Eleanor Stoddard Faculty Endowed Fund in 2001. The Stoddard Faculty Support Fund honors Ellie’s parents, the late Margaret “Maggie” Trautwein Stoddard and the late George Dinsmore Stoddard, who was the tenth president of the University of Illinois, serving from 1946-1953. Before coming to Illinois, President Stoddard was a professor of psychology and education and dean of the graduate school at the University of Iowa and from 1942-1946, commissioner of education and president of the University of the State of New York. After leaving Illinois, he spent 12 years at New York University as dean of education, executive vice president and chancellor, and finally as distinguished professor of education. Later, he became chancellor of Long Island University in New York.
Frankel Fund For Learning Innovation
For teachers, counselors, students. Areas of new technologies, emerging and leading edge fields of study, financial education. Used to leverage the laboratory mission and connect teachers and students to UI and the greater community.
The project should be transformative and make a large impact on curriculum or UI-school partnerships. Applications are evaluated by the Administrative Team.
$60,000 total. Up to $15,000 for each grant.
Frankel Fund for Learning Innovation Application
Innovations In Learning
The portion of the Innovations in Learning fund that supports professional development is designated for projects and professional development tied to active learning and to technology. Variable amounts according to the quality and quantity of applications will be available each year. Applications are evaluated by the Administrative Team.
Makino Awards
The Makino Foundation Award for Enhancing Student Life was established in 1996 by Shigeki Makino, a 1983 graduate of University High School, to recognize and encourage exceptional effort in enhancing the qualify of student life at University High School. It is the hope of the Makino Foundation that the award will help the school support its high quality teachers, counselors, and coaches in their efforts to provide extracurricular programming that significantly broadens the educational experience of University Laboratory High School.
Guidelines: Subject to the approval of the appropriate University officials, the Fund Assets shall be used to provide an "Award for Expanding Student Activities" (hereinafter called the "Award") that will be given in the form of supplemental budgetary support and awarded on the basis of a competitive application. All students, faculty, counselors, and coaches are eligible to apply for one award each year. Applications are to be made for special programs or projects that reflect the interests of the student body. These special programs or projects should fall under the umbrella of one of the following:
1. Enhancement of a current student activity that will significantly improve it in breadth, quality, or will support in a larger endeavor.
2. The foundation or establishment of a new student activity. Award monies can be spent at the discretion of the recipient for program materials, activity costs, speakers, or travel expenses. No money will be given directly to the award recipient in the form of salary or wages.
Awards will be made by a review panel composed of members of the Student Faculty Advisory Committee, as well as outside subject experts to be called upon as needed. Committee members may apply during the year that they serve, but they must be excluded from discussions and votes pertaining to their proposals. After award monies have been expended, awardees will be asked to report progress on their projects based on the timeline submitted with their application. A final progress report will be due by the last day of classes for the year for which the award was made. In all applications of Fund Assets, the Makino Foundation Award for Expanding Student Activities shall be appropriately recognized and publicized as the source of the funding.
Professional Development Funding
Uni Endowment Fund
The Uni Endowment Fund is being used for any appropriate “special projects designed to enrich the teaching programs and enhance the quality of instruction at the University High School.” The fund will have approximately $4000 total in it each year. In addition to special projects, professional memberships will be appropriate for this fund. Applications are evaluated by the Administrative Team, which consults with PFO leadership.